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The Earthgate Project
(I have found the original written work passed onto me from Saskia, as she set in the Glastonbury stage of the Earthgate Project; so you now have the exact understanding of the Project):-
Our solar system is entering a sector of space which has a very high frequency energy field. This implies that all energy on earth(including matter which is also energy) will rise in frequency. For us, this means arriving at a higher level of consciousness, becoming aware of the fact that we are multidimensional beings and the reunion with our Higher Selves. The Ascension which involves the development of The Lightbody and, on a physical sense the activation of the unused 90% of the brain and of the unused 96% of our DNA. At the same time we anchor our Higher Being into our physical bodies and into earthly existence, a process which is called Descension. The fifth and Higher (cosmic) dimensions merge with the dimensions that we know; the three dimensional world of space; time and matter and the four-dimensional astral world, which are both being raised in vibrational level. The consequence of this process for(wo)man and Earth is, that they let go of old patterns of energy, after which the energy of unconditional love can flow in. The stronger we hold onto the old and no longer useful patterns, the more violent this process can become, catharsis, and sometimes disease for a human being and geological disasters for earth. The more open (wo)man and earth are for the higher energy of Universal love and its purifying and healing effect, the smoother this whole transition of evolutionary quantum leap will take place. it can be a source of joy.
The Earthgate project is one of the worldwide Earth healing projects of this time, which helps to realise this whole systems transition. The inspiration comes from Archangel Michael, who, on August 4th, 1992 asked Saskia Bosman (cosmic name Aranu) through the channel, Jason Leen, to perform this project. Thirteen Earthgates have to be placed on points which are spread over the Earth and which are located on the heart meridian of the planet. This heart meridian has the shape of a galaxy with two spiral arms, its induction points communicate with the heart, the inner core of the Earth. The Earthgates remove the low-frequency energies of human pain and suffering from the Earth, after which these are transmuted to Pure Light in the ionosphere. The Earthgates bring the High frequency energies of unconditional, cosmic Love into the heart of Mother Earth. From her heart she will raise the frequency of her matter. In the early spring of 1993, after half a year of inner purification and the work with the related Earthgate, Saskia was allowed to start with the Earthgate Project. It started with Archangel Michael coming through her, a journey to Bimini to connect with Atlantis and its alloy orichalcum and with a prototype Earthgate, which was used for Earth healing Work in the Netherlands. In September 1993 the first definite Earthgate was built. It was placed on Mount Shasta in the north of California in October 1993. We have placed an Earthgate in Glastonbury (England) in April, one near Victoria Lake in the West of Canada in August 1994 and one in Egypt in January 1995. Glastonbury is the centre of the Earth's heart meridian. The sequence of Earthgate placements is revealed to Saskia in her dreams and is confirmed by coincidences. Still nine Earthgates will be placed on the Earth. The Project will continue into the fall of 1998, but it prepares for the climax in 2012/2013, in which the Maya Calendar, which starts with the sinking of Atlantis, will end. Then the heart of the earth will connect energetically with the Great Central Sun, a great cosmic chakra in the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.
An increasingly wider network of people is involved with the Earthgate Project. Everywhere people contribute spontaneously in the realisation of the project and people with related projects contact the Earthgate project.
Contact Details:-
Dr Saskia Bosman
POBox 01534
2506 AM Den Haag
The Netherlands
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