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I have been absent on the internet regarding this blog. The absence gave me time to hear the silence. I am taking this space to meditate and reflect. Colors appear more vibrant, communication with nature seems more acute and the taste of food is enhanced. Everything around me feels heightened as I breathe in the stillness.
Meditation is the communication I am pursuing at this time. I sit two times daily for 15 minutes and then journal all experiences and messages. Meditation circles are also a part of my routine when I am not traveling or working. When I am ready to write again on this blog I will return. I am sure it will be sooner than later.
You may actually want to try this yourself. Take some time to monitor how often you are on the internet and make a conscious effort to reduce it. In turn take those moments you may have been sitting in front of a computer and apply this to another part of your journey. Perhaps you will connect with nature, improve a relationship or just have time to meditate. Start today and honor yourself by finding the messages given to you daily in silence.
To learn more about the meditation style I teach, please read The Pitfalls of Meditation.
I have moved my thoughts into action through meditation- this has caused me to create artwork for a cause please take a look.
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