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Twelve years ago Rahanni was an unknown healing modality and those that had heard of this ‘new’ healing vibration became very sceptical and it was possibly spoken of as another ‘fad’ joining the ‘Spiritual Bandwagon’ in this ‘New Age’. Little did we know just how important Rahanni was about to become.
I am Carol Anne Stacey Founder of Rahanni Celestial Healing. [Aka Rahanni] On the 4th August 2002 I was presented with the most beautiful gift from God/Source. At that time I did not feel worthy of such a gift for I felt others, such as Diana Cooper and Doreen Virtue would be presented with this amazing healing vibration for they were much more highly evolved than me.
Yes, I was a Reiki Master at that time and I had been working with clients and students for many years, helping in whatever way I could, but if I am honest I did suffer from low self-esteem, so why on earth would I be chosen to bring through a ‘new’ healing modality at such a late stage in my life [I was at that time nearly 60 years of age] and out of the billions of people on this planet, why me? It didn’t make sense, but I was assured by my lovely guide ‘Kira’ that I wasn’t chosen, I, at soul level decided thousands of years ago that I would at this ‘Divine Time’ bring forward this new healing modality called Rahanni – all I was doing was fulfilling my spiritual mission. Well! To say I was gobsmacked was an understatement.
I won’t go into all the details of this amazing journey, but for those who may have an interest I have written a book, sharing all that happened, and my goodness, what a journey.
The title of my book is: Rahanni Celestial Healing – Embracing the Light. This is available from Amazon or direct from me. There is also a CD available where I speak of ‘My Rahanni Journey’ this is purchased through my website.
I will endeavour to give you a glimpse of Rahanni so you can understand why it is different from other healing modalities; plus I also have many testimonials from people all over the world, singing the praises of Rahanni. Yes, believe it or not Rahanni Practitioners and Teachers can be found in 20 countries – how brilliant is that?
Let me introduce you to Rahanni Celestial Healing. [Aka as Rahanni] This beautiful healing energy vibrates on a pink ray of light and love helping to open the many closed hearts that are still on this planet. Rahanni connects to 7 Archangels, Celestial Pink Angels, Ascended Masters and all Higher Beings of light and love. It helps to release all fear based ways of thinking and negativity to that of positive thought, love and inner peace; this of course is our natural essence. It works on a higher vibration and a deeper level therefore cutting down the healing time.
Rahanni is here to help humanity have a change in consciousness and to help release the negativity that we have on this planet. If we can help just one person to become more caring, respectful, loving and kind then we will eventually have a society and a planet that is filled with love and compassion, creating a better future for our children – for they are our future.
When one person has this change in consciousness, it will have a positive effect on the family for they will feel the positive vibration in the home and these beautiful energies will connect to their auras and help others to change their way of thinking. It is a win win situation every time.
Rahanni works on the physical as well as the mental/emotional aspects of the client but please remember, the body is a reflection of the mind and to get people to have a change in consciousness will eventually have a positive effect on the physical body. Rahanni needs to be experienced to be appreciated. If you are stress-free, balanced and happy then you are strong enough to help others.
I am not saying Rahanni is a miracle cure for everything, for humanity has to go through negative situations in this life-time as this is their reason for being here on the Earth. Humanity will go through many experiences, some happy, some sad, but these situations ou

Carol Anne Stacey F.R.C.H.
r soul needs to go through to learn and to hopefully help raise its vibration during its ascension process. There isn’t one person on this planet that will not go through this ascension process at some time in their existence – for this is universal law.
How wonderful to be able to help humanity reach this spiritual level of understanding and the reasons why they are here on Earth.
Rahanni isn’t connected to any religion, it is our natural essence, that of truth, love and compassion. We are being given the opportunity in this ‘new age’ to transcend all the negativity, release our fears and to have a life of joy, love and compassion. This isn’t a pipe-dream, this is our reality and it is never too late to have that change in consciousness.
This is a wonderful opportunity to be able to help your family, friends and animals to a better quality of life, knowing also that healing will take place within you.
One thing I wish to state, I am not saying Rahanni is better than any other healing vibration; for no judgement is made at any time and of course there is a place for all levels of healing as long as it comes from the heart. All I will say is that Rahanni is here because of the way the planet is speeding up, everything has changed, the planet has moved from the 3rd dimension of reality to the 4th dimension and when these situations occur changes will have an effect on humanity. Therefore we need a healing modality that works with higher vibrations, and Rahanni, being 5th dimensional is capable of working with the 4th dimension, helping people to understand why all these changes are taking place. The 3rd dimension no longer exists on planet Earth for the earth completed its journey to the 4th dimension on the 21st December 2012. There will of course be a time of adjustment for everyone and there is no rush, for it will happen at the correct time for all of humanity.
The healing light of Rahanni is here to help with these adjustments, for it can have a fearful effect on those that are possibly not on their spiritual path right now.
All we read in the papers and see on TV are negative reports daily, this can and will hold fear in people’s hearts, but Rahanni can help humanity see the bigger picture and to help release that fear; recognising that things have to get worse before they get better.
The planet is going through a massive clearing with the earthquakes, freak weather conditions etc. and this will have an effect on humanity as the molecules within our structure begin to change. Nothing stays the same, everything in this 4th dimension is changing; humanity requires a healing modality that will help with this difficult time in our existence. Time is speeding up and there is no going back to the old ways of being. We have to release the old ways of thinking and move forward but with love and compassion in our hearts, not fear.
If you feel it may be your time to be a part of this beautiful healing light and wish to have more understanding of Rahanni and how you can help, then please contact me through my website; or you can email me at;
I would be delighted to answer your questions but also I would love to attune you to the 5th dimensional vibrations of Rahanni as a Practitioner. Go within, take some quiet time and feel if Rahanni is for you. It would be a pleasure to teach you, but I do have many wonderful Rahanni Teachers all over the world, perhaps there is one in your area. Check on the website and view the Directory Listing for a Teacher closer to you.
You do not have to be connected to any other healing modality for you to be attuned to Rahanni, all you need is the love and compassion held in your heart to be able to make a difference to our fellow man.
I send you many blessings and I hope to meet up with some of you in the future.
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