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Healing with
The Ghostbox Phenomenon
To get in touch with Spirit (by Spirit, I mean your loved ones in the spirit-world) I was under the impression you had to have the gift, meditate until you were blue in the face, become a holy hippy, live in a crystal palace and say ‘Aum’ a lot and only then, would spirit grace you with their presence. However, I’m not a patient person so I asked them if I could skip all that jazz and 'the answer I got back was, ‘Keep it simple’.
When our family go to the Spirit-world they don’t automatically become Holy-Molys, they are just as they were on the earth plane, the only difference is the lack of a material body. They still like to communicate because they want us to know that life does go on and that they still love us. Otherwise, what would be the point of creating bonds in this world if they do not continue into the next?
Spirit are brilliant with technology; they can produce voice on a tape-recorder that is not switched on, manipulate the white noise on a television screen to show their faces and even produce images on film in a camera without even a click. I was very excited to hear they were coming through on the radio and decided to give it a try.
I know some will want to know the ins and outs of it all, but I will leave that to the technicians among you. The way I see it, if your washing machine works, you do not question it or want to know the technical details, you are just happy that it does and that is how I feel about the radio communications.
Some will say that you have to get the bits in between the radio voices and that real EVP’s are the bits you hear in the white noise. I think this is just another rule, Spirit can talk in the white noise, through the words on the radio or in whatever way they choose. I believe Spirit can manipulate voices, white noise and even the sound of running water because sound is vibration and they can use that as they wish. So, I set out on a journey to see how far they could communicate using this medium and not worrying about how they were going to do it, just hoping they would. The communication of spirit is the most important thing to me. If I can understand them and they me, then that is communication. Whether they manipulate the voices on the radio or the white noise in between is irrelevant.
If you want proof, open your mind, listen to your loved ones, ask your questions and you will find the answers. When they call out your name and say their names repeatedly, you will begin to understand that the likelihood of these being random become less and less. Even more unlikely when they call out a name you have made up. My artistic name is Saleire and my son’s is Kwyat Man, both pseudonyms and yet both called out on the radio.
The medium itself is not too technical; it is just a radio manipulated so it does not stop when you scan for a station, instead it just keeps scanning. You do not have to work with the converted radio or ‘ghostbox’ for the first few sessions; you can manually tune the radio which works just as well. You might want to do approximately 6-10 minutes sessions of recording - it is time-consuming work editing out the noise afterwards. If you are struggling to hear at first, keep on doing it, as it does get easier. It just takes a bit of practice.
Sometimes you can hear them answer back and other times the answer is only noticeable when you play it back on the audio editing program. You can download this free online. Once you have the recording, play it back and begin to edit out the nonsense. Take out the bits that apply to you, as the other bits are just gobbledegook. You will get the hang of it in time and you will feel what is right for you.
Some will still not believe, but you will not be sure until you have tried it yourself. I will give you various ways to contact Spirit as a guideline, but you will find your own way in time. So come on this journey with me, one that shares all the joys of finding a new way to communicate with Spirit and before long you can be doing the same thing. This book just gives you an idea of what you can expect, although each communication in totally unique to you and your family.
Some will still not believe, but you will not be sure until you have tried it yourself. I will give you various ways to contact Spirit as a guideline, but you will find your own way in time.
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