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Just a quick post this week to chat about nurturing the Inner Child. This is something that I have been drawn to for a while but haven't had the chance to do anything about it. I have been asking for a while to be guided in the right direction for my own development but I guess I wasn't always listening. Sometimes my mind becomes quite full with day to day activities, listening can be quite hard sometimes (That's why friends are really important as our messengers). A couple of weeks ago I was navigating the web and came across a website by a guy called Drunvalo Melchizedek ( I found his quite work fascinating but quickly moved off navigating other sites. Anyway fast forward two weeks and my friend Jane quite spookily sent me a link to his site saying "I think this site has something you have been looking for". Jane had no previous knowledge of me looking at this site, with this in mind I had to take it more seriously than before, synchronicity is a wonderful thing.
Jane had found a wonderful Google presentation ( by Drunvalo talking about how to successfully connect to the higher self. This is something that I have been working on via mediation for a little while but really wanted to make the connection stronger and more disciplined.
In the presentation Drunvalo talks about the missing connection. From Drunvalo's experience, the missing link is honouring and working through any issues we have with our lower self or "The Inner Child". This really struck a chord with me as the "Inner Child" contains the innocence and pure unconditional love part of our journey. At this point in our lives most of us viewed the world with absolute wonder. Drunvalo talks about a time in his life where he turned his back on the material world and decided to live in nature. He lived a completely self contained lifestyle in Canada, spending time each day to grow his own food, go out into the beautiful surroundings and connect with the plants and animals.
Each day he woke up like an excited child on Christmas morning eager to get out to nature again to experience it in all it's spender. It wasn't long before he started to notice the energies and auric fields of the plants and animals. The appreciation of nature was now having a life changing affect on his senses. To cut a long story short Drunvalo was learning meditation from a master teacher around this time also. About four months into this practice he suddenly made contact with his higher self who appeared in front of him (eventually he became him and the external appearances were no longer needed). Years later when teaching other students to connect with their higher self, he realised that not everybody could do it, no matter how hard they tried. He had asked his higher self for answers. (None came, or
not how he had expected!!)
Help arrived at one of his future workshops when in walked a beautiful soul from Hawaii who didn't really know why he was there, but was somehow drawn to attend. Drunvalo could clearly see his auric field which showed he already had the abilities to connect with higher self. The man explained he was a teacher in Hawaii, teaching people how to connect to the higher self. The man explained that the missing link for most people is the suppression of our Inner Child or lower self. We must first resolve any issues here and learn to honour the child within us. To do this we have to regain the wonder we saw in things as a child. We don't have to become naive but honour a part of ourselves
that contains the innocence. Go out into nature as Drunvalo did, learn to see the would anew again. If you have young children, try to experience the world through their eyes. It's so easy as an adult to take life too seriously and view the world through a filter, a filter that isn't really ours. What Drunvalo learnt was that the Inner Child was the key to truly connecting to our higher self and that any attempt might be futile until we learn to live again. Remember that children are pure spirit, they have just very recently come from a world of pure love. They are a reflection of how we should all be, it's just that we have forgotten and subsequently built a mask to hide behind. Viewing the world through these eyes allows us connect with who we truly are and always have been.
What is the Higher Self
The simplest answer is that the Higher Self is the future us. It is that part of us that IS reaching out across all densities of experience to help the creator (who is us) know it self better. In order to really understand this concept you have to take linear time out of the equation. Everything that has ever existed or about to exist has already happened in the eternal now of creation. You have to look above the maze from a birds eye view to see all the possibilities laid out. Multiple sparks (us, our soul/spirit) of the higher self are spread out across this maze experiencing for god and the creator. Each level down is a distortion from the pure oneness of who we really are. The further down the densities we go the more distorted things appear from the oneness. In order for the creator to know itself better it had to create separation (Which is extreme at the level our physical bodies are currently at), otherwise there is no way of knowing one self. You would never know what pure love and unity was or even be able to describe it without having a contrasting experience to highlight it.
Drunvalo has also brought this wonderful mediation into the world to help connect with our higher self.
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