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I remember contacting Colin when he was agony uncle on psychic news. I was despondent in my own mediumhip. Colin offered me inspiration and urged me to carry on with my own development. Born on 19 May 1962, Haywards Heath Sussex UK. Colin was psychic from an early age, seeing the spirit of a elderly man sitting on his bed. One of Britain's leading television and stage mediums, he also tours internationally. Author of Life Before Death, Secrets Of The Afterlife, The Message and The Happy Medium.
His psychic television show 6ixth sense, psychic private eyes and Colin Fry Live are watched by a world wide audience, which makes Colin one of the most sought after mediums, linking the earth world and spirit world together with the simple message that life is indeed eternal for us all. We can bring the two worlds a little closer together. Colin recognised that he had a psychic gift and wanted to explore this. When Colin was fifteen years old he attended a spiritualist church in Brighton, this visit would change his life forever. Colin was asked to sit for development in a circle, where he learnt to use and understand the gift that he had.
Colin went to see famous medium Doris Stokes at the dome theater in Brighton. Meeting Doris she told him that her guide Romanoff was telling her that Colin he had the gift. She went on to tell him that he would find global fame and become a famous medium himself in his fortieth year and that he was going to travel the world demonstrating his gift of mediumship. Doris message from spirit proved to be right. Like so many mediums before and after him Colin had to juggle a normal life with his work for spirit, a difficult task and one that can damage personal relationships, a huge price to pay for all concerned.
Colin had a variety of jobs over the years, one he enjoyed was a carpet salesman in his home town of Sussex. Spirit work in a mysterious way, Colin met a couple whilst measuring for a carpet at their home. John and Geraldine Austin run development groups in their home. They had an interest in physical mediumship and trance. After discovering their mutual interest Colin was invited to attend a circle at their home. Within a short period of time Colin was entranced by a Victorian gentleman who spoke very eloquently. His name was Magnus, this was the spirit that sat on his bed all those years ago. Magnus said that he was part of a collective called the diamond, their mission to enlighten the world with spiritual knowledge. Colin was approached by Robin Foy who was instructed by spirit to form a society called the Noah's Ark which he run from his home in Norfolk. Noah Zeridan was the spirit mentor for the famous direct voice medium Leslie Flint. Colin gave a demonstration of physical mediumship in Leicester to an invited audience that was a great success, organised by the Noah's Ark society. This is where I believe Colin went global.
He was the anonymous medium known only as Lincoln, an anagram of Colin's name. I remember at the time everyone wanted to know this new kid on the block, and who he really was. Controversial events at a physical seance in October 1992 in Norfolk where Colin was the medium would stain his reputation, and the bubble that was the great Lincoln had burst.
Inexplicably during the seance the lights came on, Colin was seen standing with a seance trumpet held above his head, the ties that bound him to the chair shattered. This incident was reported to the psychic press all over the world. Colin was defended by friends and Noah s Ark society members, saying no matter what he was the genuine article, however the damage had been done.
Resilient as ever Colin learnt from the experience and remained positive. He gave talks and seminars on the pitfalls of running before you could walk on mediumistic development. Now in his mid thirties Colin suffered a stroke after a serious car crash in Brighton. After medical investigations Colin was also diagnosed with epilepsy. He amazed Doctors and specialists by making a full recoery over time. It was at this time that Colin was encouraged by his then partner Michael to carry on with his mediumship.
In 1995 Michael was diagnosed as Hiv positive. In 1997 Michael's condition worsened. He needed daily care, Colin was helped by his friend Vince. Michael passed to spirit in November 1997. In Michael's memory Colin decided to become a full time professional medium. Even with his knowledge of the spirit world Colin had to have time to grieve, his life was rocked by Michael's passing. Soon after Colin was invited to work in Australia, dems, workshops etc. His diary was fast filling up. With advice from his friend Nick, Colin decided to build a centre at the bottom of his garden, the spirit lodge was born. Colin could do sittings, circle work, seminars in there. In 2001 Colin was invited to go to the Ramsbergsgarden spiritual centre in Sweden. The centre was founded in the 1960s by the Swedish spiritualist movement. He eventually became the senior tutor, the principal and later the owner. John Edward is an American medium who had a television show called crossing over. Colin was contacted by by television to do a English equivalent to the show, it was called 6ixth sense, shown on living tv.
It proved to be very popular with the public, repeats are still shown now around the world. Colin did not like the disclaimer put in by television companies, for entertainment purposes only. In 2005 whilst at a party Colin met Mikey a no nonsense man who was not aware of Colin's celebrity medium tag. The couple fell in love and eventually tied the knot at a civil partnership ceremony on 22 December, a year to the day when they met.
They are blissfully happy together. Colin Fry continues to work as hard as ever. He is an instrumental voice for spirit and a guiding light for the spiritualist movement, and continues to inspire mediums the world over. Thank you Colin and your team in spirit for all your hard work, long may it continue.
It is with sad regret that Colin Fry passed to to spirit on the morning of 25 August 2015 in a spainish hospital. Colin was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in April 2015. Ime sure we would all like to thank Colin for his service to Spiritualism and his remarkable gift that comforted many bereaved people, and reunited them with their loved ones in spirit. ime sure his work continues in spirit.
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